We plan to do the following: 1.Conduct point and transect counts of seabirds (Buckland et al 2001) across each of the 12 motus in delineated available habitat. While conducting these counts, we will also assess if birds are attending or reproductively active. 2.Create a map of available habitat at the species level, based on co-occurrence of nesting seabirds with habitat features that will be determined in situ. 3. Estimate the percent of the population, by species, that is reproductively active as a first step toward establishing species-specific reproductive phenology, degree of synchrony, and success rates. 4.Capture and ring seabirds on Tahuna Iti in order to estimate survival (Spendelow et al. 1995) and site fidelity of nesting seabirds. Each subsequent year of the study, we will recapture or resight birds and record data on the location of the ringed individuals. In the first year, we propose assessing the populations for ease of capture, with select ringing if permits can be obtained. 5.Conduct macro- and microplastic surveys of seabird habitat and characterize dietary exposure of individual birds to plastics. We will use established protocols to assess plastic contamination of the motus on which seabirds are found and quantify the concentration of microplastics in sand and water samples. Contingent upon obtaining necessary permits, we will collect dead birds (if available) for necropsy; gut contents and feathers may be used to evaluate exposure to microplastics.

Visit #58131 @Tetiaroa Society Ecostation


Under Project # 41153 | Research

Baseline Seabird Study on Tetiaroa

faculty - University of Washington

Reservation Members(s)

Beth Gardner Oct 26 - Nov 8, 2018 (14 days)
Julia Parrish Oct 26 - Nov 8, 2018 (14 days)
Olivia Sanderfoot Oct 26 - Nov 8, 2018 (14 days)
Sarah Converse Oct 26 - Nov 8, 2018 (14 days)
Viviana Marcy Oct 26 - Nov 8, 2018 (14 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Ecostation Rate 1 Oct 26 - Nov 9, 2018
wet lab 1 Oct 20 - Nov 9, 2018
Ecostation Rate 1 Oct 26 - Nov 2, 2018
Ecostation Rate 1 Nov 1 - 9, 2018