The objectives of this study are to (1) assess the role of pedogenic development in DSP recovery after wildfire, (2) evaluate the dominant processes contributing to DSP changes during and after fire and compare process dominance across soil types, (3) evaluate the role of fire frequency in determining black carbon loading and DSPs, and (4) develop relationships between soil types, parameters and fire impacts on DSPs for predictive modeling of fire affected sites across soil type and chronological gradients. We propose to test the effect of time since fire on DSPs using two soils that differ with respect to pedogenic development, with sites representing the same chronosequence of wildfires. We will also investigating paired sites with different elapsed time since fire for a wider range of soil types. A fresh burn areas from the 2021 fire season that impacted some of the same soil types will also be investigated for DSP changes on a ~ monthly basis. We will examine the effect of fire histories on black carbon loading and DSPs on soils that have a wide range of properties, the same time since the last fire (25-28 y), and a variety of mean fire return intervals (16-91 y). Finally we will evaluate the differential role of wildfire in determining SHPs on the basis of soil type and wildfire history and use these insights to develop new or modified pedotransfer functions (PTFs) that more accurately predict SHPs in fire prone shrublands. To achieve these objectives, we will employ both field and laboratory characterizations of 14 different soil types represented by 65 sites that have experienced a wide range of fire histories, along with a new burn site (2021) involving one or more of the study soils. The fresh burn sites will be subject to repeat visits throughout the 2021/22 wet season to monitor the evolution of surficial SHPs, hydrophobic layer characteristics, and collect soil samples. We will monitor hydro-meteorological forcings in the region, and will install soil moisture, temperature, EC and water potential sensors at 4 of the 65 sites. Two replicate plots will be identified at each of the 65 sites. At each plot soil hydraulic properties will be characterized in situ, and soil pits will be dug to facilitate soil description and sampling to quantify a wide range of soil structural and composition parameters using established and novel techniques, including multistripe laser triangulation scanning, hyperspectral imaging, and fallout radionuclide analysis. Monitoring and sampling results will be synthesized and analyzed to rigorously test the role of fire and soil characteristics in controlling DSP response to and after fire. Project data, PTFs and interpretations will be open-access deliverables to the NRCS and the broader community of scientists and stakeholders

Visit #80225 @La Kretz Center for California Conservation Science


Under Project # 50758 | Research

Santa Monica Mountains Wildfire Soil Project

graduate_student - University of California, Riverside

Reservation Members(s)

Ben Newcomb Dec 14 - 16, 2022 (3 days)
Ben Newcomb Jan 3 - 6, 2023 (4 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Field Station 1 Dec 14 - 15, 2022
Field Station 1 Jan 3 - 5, 2023
Field Station 1 Dec 13 - 15, 2022