Foliar fungal endophytes are fungi that live inside the leaves of plants and are invisible to the unaided eye. These fungi have been shown to play important roles in plants by providing defense from pathogens and aiding in water retention in hot, dry climates. However, the roles of some fungal endophytes are unclear. The main goal of this project is to investigate and determine which of these fungi are involved in the decomposition of leaf litter once leaves have fallen from trees. Since fungal endophyte communities are in leaves before they abscise, they have the advantage in that they are already established. This advantage allows them to increase their population size which can influence the establishment of other fungal decomposers. The interactions between early colonizers and later arrivers can range from facilitation to complete exclusion which can influence the rates at which leaves are decomposed and ultimately the carbon cycle. In order to investigate the roles of fungal endophytes in the decomposition of leaf litter and ultimately their influence on the carbon cycle, this project will aim to 1) determine how fungal endophytes influence the composition of leaf litter fungal communities through priority effects; 2) investigate the efficiency of fungal endophytes as leaf decomposers; and 3) determine how fungal endophyte communities, leaf decay communities, and aerial fungal communities change overtime. By understanding the influence of fungal endophytes on leaf litter decomposition and the carbon cycle, the results of this project could have important implications for understanding and managing ecosystem services.

Visit #87055 @Big Chico Creek Ecological Reserve


Under Project # 53639 | Research

Priority effects of foliar fungal endophytes on leaf litter fungal communities

graduate_student - California State University (CSU), Chico

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