The SEA program is called Climate and Society ( Academics will be a balance between snorkel-based reef surveys and cultural/historical field trips around Mo’orea. I do not foresee us using the Conference Room at all. We will make use of open-air meeting spaces as available. We would also use the library for studying after hours. Are there easels and chalk/whiteboards available with appropriate writing tools available for our use? Reef survey days we will be spent away from Gump Station most of the day. There would be an orientation snorkel to get familiar with the site. A lunch break. And then the actual reef survey. Back at station we would discuss the results. We hope to visit three different reef sites. Ideally, all accessible from a local beach. Kelly Speare has provided some recommendations. I would be happy for any additional recommendations. Regarding use of Blue Boat (and Gump Station drivers) to access outer reef sites. Given the constraints on numbers we will forego such use of Gump Station resources. I am curious, is there any snorkel equipment at Gump Station available for our use? This would be a ‘Just in case’ scenario. SEA students will bring their own snorkel equipment, however, in the likely scenario that some equipment is lost, damaged, etc. wondering if spares are available. Cultural/Historical field trips: These days will include a visit to Atitia Center and Tetiaroa Island. One additional day would be an inland hike to some vista allowing us to talk about the island landscape in the context of climate change and sea level rise. Any recommendations? Regarding our visit to Tetiaroa. My students will read the Blue Climate Summit Outcomes Report prior to our visit. Such an important work! I look forward to learning how various initiatives are being implemented around French Polynesia. I have two questions, with whom should I coordinate such a visit? Is it okay for me to contact Frank Murphy directly? Also, how best to coordinate transport from Mo’orea to Tetiaroa (and back again!). Can you provide recommendations on a local catamaran service? Regarding our visit with Atitia Center. How best to coordinate such a visit and with whom should I discuss available academic programming? Okay to reach out to Hinano Murphy directly? Regarding our reef survey work. I wonder if anyone at Gump Station would be available to speak with our class about their research. Kelly Speare will have spoken about her LTER work around Mo’orea. But if there are other researchers available I would be happy for my students to learn from them. Finally, do you have any contacts with the local fishing community and would they also be available to meet with my students and share their experiences? Any contacts/recommendations in this regard are welcome.

Visit #80824 @Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station


Under Project # 51004 | Class

Climate and Society

reserve_staff - Sea Education Association

Reservation Members(s)

Abigail Elder Feb 15 - 24, 2023 (10 days)
Group of 16 Undergraduate Student Feb 15 - 24, 2023 (10 days)
Group of 3 Faculty Feb 15 - 24, 2023 (10 days)

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