Taking down experiments/cages related to Aim 3 and thermal testing corals from this experiment

Visit #78187 @Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station


Under Project # 42041 | Research


graduate_student - University of California, Santa Barbara

Reservation Members(s)

Lily Zhao Nov 9 - 21, 2022 (13 days)
Lily Zhao Nov 9 - 21, 2022 (13 days)
Group of 1 Graduate Student Nov 9 - 21, 2022 (13 days)
Kelsey Vaughn Jan 6 - 14, 2023 (9 days)
Alexander Primo Jan 6 - 26, 2023 (21 days)
Lily Zhao Jan 10 - Feb 12, 2023 (34 days)
Ninah Munk Jan 10 - Feb 12, 2023 (34 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Biocode Lab 1 Jan 10 - Feb 12, 2023
Stabicraft 509 Biocode Boat 17ft 1 Jan 10 - Feb 12, 2023