The purpose of this project is to educate and train advanced undergraduate students from the USA on how to conduct cutting-edge field research in natural settings by giving them hands-on experience. This is the culminating experience for our students and requires that students participate in one project devoted to field research and produce a manuscript of publishable caliber. There is a very competitive application process, ensuring that only the top students participate. In the past, a large percentage of these students have gone on to be PhD research scientists. Many attribute their career decisions to these field experiences. EEach fiel dseason we will bring 9-15 undergraduate students and 2-4 graduate students to the Gump Station on Moorea. There they will design and implement independent research projects on topics of the students interest. We strongly believe that students can only develop into scientists by being empowered with independence. Thus, we do not have specific research objectives and protocols outlined. However, the projects will focus on the ecology of marine populations and communities of Moorea, including algal beds, sand flats and patch reefs. We will investigate the processes that determine distribution and abundance of marine organisms and communities, including water flow, nutrient supply and wave action, substrate type and stability, and ecological processes such as competition, herbivory, and predation. Most projects will entail field survey methods where organisms are neither removed nor disturbed. A limited number of projects may involve in situ manipulations of the density of some organisms. For example, to measure herbivory, we may cage portions of habitat to inhibit access to various guilds of herbivores. We will conduct surveys of populations and communities using transects and both plot (randomised quadrats) and plotless (nearest neighbour analysis) techniques. We will also measure substrate type and topology, and water quality and motion. Although it is not possible to determine exactly how many and the placement of transects prior to arrival, we will gladly provide this information within a few days of arrival.

Visit #52573 @Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station


Under Project # 35815 | Class

Winter Field & Marine Biology Quarter 2018

faculty - University of California, Los Angeles

Reservation Members(s)

Daniel Blumstein Jan 18 - Feb 13, 2018 (27 days)
Peggy Fong Jan 18 - Feb 13, 2018 (27 days)
Group of 15 Undergraduate Student Jan 18 - Feb 13, 2018 (27 days)
Group of 2 Graduate Student Jan 18 - Feb 13, 2018 (27 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Bed in shared room 17 Feb 1 - 13, 2018
Bed in private room 2 Feb 1 - 13, 2018
Bed in shared room 17 Jan 19 - 31, 2018
Bed in private room 2 Jan 19 - 31, 2018