Build 4 Flumes at the south-east corner of the mesocosm concrete area

Visit #31734 @Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station


Under Project # 27178 | Research

NSF Ocean Acidification

research_scientist - California State University (CSU), Northridge

Reservation Members(s)

Coulson Lantz May 20 - Jul 3, 2013 (45 days)
Sigfrido Zimmermann May 20 - Jul 3, 2013 (45 days)

Reserve Resources(s) | Create Invoice

Waterfront bungalow 9 2 May 20 - Jul 3, 2013
Waterfront bungalow 10 2 May 20 - Jul 3, 2013
Full Use/Person - Waterfront Bungalow 2 May 20 - Jul 3, 2013
Waterfront bungalow 8 2 May 20 - Jul 3, 2013